OpTic Gaming vs Spacestation Gaming Series Stats

OpTic Gaming Roster Click to view players on roster


OpTic Gaming


Spacestation Gaming

Spacestation Gaming Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
L OpTic Gaming 310 162 314 105,741 103,883 0.99 1.50 3,849 2,246 58.7
W Spacestation Gaming 314 160 310 102,536 106,461 1.01 1.53 3,927 2,218 56.6
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
L Luciid TW 77 55 75 28,493 25,060 1.03 1.76 961 591 61.50
L OpTicFormaLMatt 76 41 87 27,090 26,807 0.87 1.34 878 541 61.62
L Pznguin 77 38 71 25,645 24,718 1.08 1.62 928 557 60.02
L Trippy 80 28 81 24,513 27,298 0.99 1.33 1,082 557 51.48
W Bound 80 42 68 26,141 25,012 1.18 1.79 887 537 60.54
W Lqgend 70 39 84 24,963 27,452 0.83 1.30 1,060 569 53.68
W StelluR 84 40 83 25,392 27,301 1.01 1.49 996 562 56.43
W The Eco Smith 80 39 75 26,040 26,696 1.07 1.59 984 550 55.89
Gamertag Dealt Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
L Luciid TW 28,493 25,060 1.14 +3,433 379.91 334.13 537.60 215.86
L OpTicFormaLMatt 27,090 26,807 1.01 +283 311.38 308.13 511.13 231.54
L Pznguin 25,645 24,718 1.04 +927 361.20 348.14 483.87 223.00
L Trippy 24,513 27,298 0.90 -2,785 302.63 337.01 462.51 226.97
W Bound 26,141 25,012 1.05 +1,129 384.43 367.82 493.23 214.27
W Lqgend 24,963 27,452 0.91 -2,489 297.18 326.81 471.00 229.02
W StelluR 25,392 27,301 0.93 -1,909 305.93 328.93 479.09 204.77
W The Eco Smith 26,040 26,696 0.98 -656 347.20 355.95 491.32 218.82
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
L Luciid TW 0m 30s 14 17 5 6.49 9 11.69 7 9.09 56 72.73
L OpTicFormaLMatt 0m 25s 0 13 8 10.53 10 13.16 9 11.84 49 64.47
L Pznguin 0m 34s 7 18 7 9.09 5 6.49 13 16.88 52 67.53
L Trippy 0m 30s 0 13 11 13.75 6 7.50 19 23.75 44 55.00
W Bound 0m 33s 5 17 13 16.25 3 3.75 17 21.25 47 58.75
W Lqgend 0m 25s 7 11 5 7.14 7 10.00 14 20.00 44 62.86
W StelluR 0m 27s 0 22 11 13.10 2 2.38 15 17.86 56 66.67
W The Eco Smith 0m 30s 1 12 14 17.50 6 7.50 11 13.75 49 61.25
Games Played
OpTic Gaming vs Spacestation Gaming games played
Winner Score Map Type
Spacestation Gaming 1 : 2 Empyrean
OpTic Gaming 2 : 0 Recharge
Spacestation Gaming 47 : 50 Solitude
Spacestation Gaming 199 : 220 Live Fire
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