Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 Series Stats

Spacestation Gaming Roster Click to view players on roster


Spacestation Gaming



Cloud9 Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W SSG 932 494 849 284,046 275,993 1.10 1.68 11,230 6,424 57.4
L Cloud9 848 432 933 272,915 286,312 0.91 1.37 10,185 6,018 59.3
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W Bound 236 113 231 67,996 71,173 1.02 1.51 2,536 1,574 62.07
W Lqgend 240 140 191 76,970 67,712 1.26 1.99 3,141 1,771 56.38
W StelluR 253 89 218 69,200 69,360 1.16 1.57 2,737 1,584 57.87
W The Eco Smith 203 152 209 69,880 67,748 0.97 1.70 2,816 1,495 53.09
L Sab 219 106 250 70,199 74,175 0.88 1.30 2,319 1,458 62.87
L Sceptify 210 127 231 71,820 72,119 0.91 1.46 2,677 1,665 62.20
L Svspector 237 87 217 66,701 67,530 1.09 1.49 2,745 1,424 51.88
L Tusk XIII 182 112 235 64,195 72,488 0.77 1.25 2,444 1,471 60.19
Gamertag Dealt Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
W Bound 67,996 71,173 0.96 -3,177 294.35 308.11 6,799.60 194.83
W Lqgend 76,970 67,712 1.14 +9,258 402.98 354.51 7,697.00 202.55
W StelluR 69,200 69,360 1.00 -160 317.43 318.17 6,920.00 202.34
W The Eco Smith 69,880 67,748 1.03 +2,132 334.35 324.15 6,988.00 196.85
L Sab 70,199 74,175 0.95 -3,976 280.80 296.70 7,019.90 216.00
L Sceptify 71,820 72,119 1.00 -299 310.91 312.20 7,182.00 213.12
L Svspector 66,701 67,530 0.99 -829 307.38 311.20 6,670.10 205.87
L Tusk XIII 64,195 72,488 0.89 -8,293 273.17 308.46 6,419.50 218.35
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
W Bound 0m 21s 2 39 35 14.83 10 4.24 37 15.68 154 65.25
W Lqgend 0m 30s 27 54 31 12.92 5 2.08 39 16.25 165 68.75
W StelluR 0m 23s 0 63 31 12.25 11 4.35 35 13.83 176 69.57
W The Eco Smith 0m 24s 5 46 39 19.21 19 9.36 30 14.78 115 56.65
L Sab 0m 19s 1 53 26 11.87 20 9.13 28 12.79 145 66.21
L Sceptify 0m 21s 0 47 25 11.90 9 4.29 36 17.14 140 66.67
L Svspector 0m 24s 0 52 42 17.72 33 13.92 36 15.19 126 53.16
L Tusk XIII 0m 21s 7 38 32 17.58 16 8.79 31 17.03 103 56.59
Games Played
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 games played
Winner Score Map Type
Cloud9 38 : 50 Live Fire
SSG 3 : 1 Forbidden
SSG 4 : 1 Recharge
SSG 250 : 122 Live Fire
SSG 3 : 0 Empyrean
SSG 187 : 96 Recharge
SSG 250 : 237 Interference
SSG 4 : 1 Live Fire
Cloud9 3 : 4 Aquarius
SSG 200 : 110 Streets
SSG 250 : 210 Recharge
SSG 4 : 3 Solitude
SSG 200 : 91 Live Fire
Games to be Played
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 games that are still to be played in series
Map Type
Aquarius Slayer
Aquarius Assault
Fortress Capture the Flag
Fortress Assault
Origin Slayer
Origin Capture the Flag
Recharge Slayer
Solitude Slayer
Streets Slayer
Game Variant Results
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 game variant results
Game Variant Wins % Wins %
Capture the Flag 2 66.7 1 33.3
King of the Hill 3 100.0 0 0.0
Oddball 3 100.0 0 0.0
Slayer 0 0.0 1 100.0
Strongholds 3 100.0 0 0.0
Map Results
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 map results
Map Wins % Wins %
Aquarius 0 0.0 1 100.0
Empyrean 1 100.0 0 0.0
Forbidden 1 100.0 0 0.0
Interference 1 100.0 0 0.0
Live Fire 3 75.0 1 25.0
Recharge 3 100.0 0 0.0
Solitude 1 100.0 0 0.0
Streets 1 100.0 0 0.0
Previous Series
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 previous series
Type Date Winner Score
18/08/2024 Spacestation Gaming 3 : 1 Stats
23/07/2024 Spacestation Gaming 7 : 4 Stats
09/07/2024 Spacestation Gaming 13 : 0 Stats
26/04/2024 Spacestation Gaming 0 : 3 Stats
4 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 1)
Power Weapon Stats
Excludes Aquarius stats as there are no power weapons
Gamertag PW Kills Kills %
Bound 3 210 1%
Lqgend 11 221 5%
StelluR 4 233 2%
The Eco Smith 6 179 3%
Sab 8 197 4%
Sceptify 4 187 2%
Svspector 2 202 1%
Tusk XIII 1 163 1%
SSG 24 843 3%
Cloud9 15 749 2%
Winner Score PW Score Map Type Most PW Kills Won
Spacestation Gaming 200 : 91 5 : 2 Live Fire Yes
Spacestation Gaming 4 : 3 0 : 0 Solitude Equal
Spacestation Gaming 250 : 210 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 200 : 110 0 : 0 Streets Equal
Spacestation Gaming 4 : 1 6 : 1 Live Fire Yes
Spacestation Gaming 250 : 237 0 : 0 Interference Equal
Spacestation Gaming 187 : 96 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 3 : 0 4 : 6 Empyrean No
Spacestation Gaming 250 : 122 1 : 0 Live Fire Yes
Spacestation Gaming 4 : 1 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 3 : 1 8 : 1 Forbidden Yes
Cloud9 38 : 50 0 : 5 Live Fire Yes
Oddball Stats
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 oddball stats

Gamertag Points Controls Skull Grabs Carrier Killed Kills as Carrier Time as Carrier (Sec) Longest Time. (Sec)
W Bound 199 0 6 0 1 212 73
W Lqgend 170 0 1 1 0 179 49
W StelluR 61 0 3 0 0 64 39
W The Eco Smith 157 0 3 2 0 163 42
L Sab 77 0 1 3 0 83 34
L Sceptify 54 0 2 3 0 61 31
L Svspector 89 0 3 1 0 103 25
L Tusk XIII 77 0 2 2 0 83 36
Capture the Flag Stats
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 CTF stats

Gamertag Caps Grabs Steals Secures Returns Cap Assists Time as Carrier (Sec) Carrier Kills Returner Kills Kills As Carrier Kills As Returner
W Bound 2 46 6 9 1 2 18 0 1 0 2
W Lqgend 3 18 3 8 1 0 12 1 1 0 1
W StelluR 3 34 3 11 2 0 23 1 2 0 2
W The Eco Smith 1 27 7 5 2 1 21 1 0 0 0
L Sab 2 30 3 9 4 1 15 1 0 0 0
L Sceptify 2 15 3 7 1 0 11 0 0 0 0
L Svspector 1 19 1 8 0 0 11 1 0 0 0
L Tusk XIII 0 32 9 7 0 3 16 0 0 0 0
King of the Hill Stats
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 KotH stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
W Bound 0 0 5 1 149
W Lqgend 0 0 3 5 217
W StelluR 0 0 8 7 164
W The Eco Smith 0 0 4 4 113
L Sab 0 0 7 2 94
L Sceptify 0 0 2 4 93
L Svspector 0 0 2 8 47
L Tusk XIII 0 0 1 4 79
Strongholds Stats
Spacestation Gaming vs Cloud9 Strongholds stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
W Bound 16 4 5 4 110
W Lqgend 27 4 5 9 55
W StelluR 13 4 9 7 103
W The Eco Smith 24 6 4 6 77
L Sab 22 4 7 7 77
L Sceptify 20 3 3 3 79
L Svspector 18 3 8 9 110
L Tusk XIII 17 4 4 8 74
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