G1 vs Spacestation Gaming Series Stats

G1 Roster Click to view players on roster




Spacestation Gaming

Spacestation Gaming Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W Spacestation Gaming 1,155 612 982 332,124 314,510 1.18 1.80 31,307 16,478 52.6
L G1 982 542 1,155 311,263 336,090 0.85 1.32 31,206 16,131 52.0
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W Bound 288 138 270 82,902 83,814 1.07 1.58 7,773 3,996 51.41
W Pznguin 265 192 232 86,567 76,107 1.14 1.97 7,815 4,324 55.33
W StelluR 328 121 243 83,092 76,815 1.35 1.85 7,820 4,131 52.83
W The Eco Smith 274 161 237 79,563 77,774 1.16 1.84 7,899 4,027 50.98
L Boam JC 262 142 255 79,589 80,044 1.03 1.58 8,359 4,253 50.88
L Huss 244 127 306 76,401 84,185 0.80 1.21 8,344 3,819 45.77
L Preecisionn 258 121 296 77,262 85,766 0.87 1.28 6,835 3,817 55.84
L Swish 5s 218 152 298 78,011 86,095 0.73 1.24 7,668 4,242 55.32
Gamertag Dealt Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
W Bound 82,902 83,814 0.99 -912 307.04 310.42 1,927.95 194.61
W Pznguin 86,567 76,107 1.14 +10,460 373.13 328.05 2,013.19 189.42
W StelluR 83,092 76,815 1.08 +6,277 341.94 316.11 1,932.37 185.06
W The Eco Smith 79,563 77,774 1.02 +1,789 335.71 328.16 1,850.30 182.90
L Boam JC 79,589 80,044 0.99 -455 312.11 313.90 1,850.91 197.00
L Huss 76,401 84,185 0.91 -7,784 249.68 275.11 1,776.77 205.93
L Preecisionn 77,262 85,766 0.90 -8,504 261.02 289.75 1,796.79 203.86
L Swish 5s 78,011 86,095 0.91 -8,084 261.78 288.91 1,814.21 210.84
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
W Bound 0 0 90 31.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 198 68.75
W Pznguin 0 0 69 26.04 0 0.00 0 0.00 196 73.96
W StelluR 0 0 97 29.57 0 0.00 0 0.00 231 70.43
W The Eco Smith 0 0 90 32.85 0 0.00 0 0.00 184 67.15
L Boam JC 0 0 77 29.39 0 0.00 0 0.00 185 70.61
L Huss 0 0 73 29.92 0 0.00 0 0.00 171 70.08
L Preecisionn 0 0 82 31.78 0 0.00 0 0.00 176 68.22
L Swish 5s 0 0 58 26.61 0 0.00 0 0.00 160 73.39
Games Played
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming games played
Winner Score Map Type
Spacestation Gaming 185 : 177 Live Fire
Spacestation Gaming 5 : 0 Aquarius
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 41 Recharge
Spacestation Gaming 2 : 1 Solitude
Spacestation Gaming 250 : 125 Live Fire
Spacestation Gaming 121 : 67 Recharge
Spacestation Gaming 2 : 0 Argyle
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 34 Aquarius
Spacestation Gaming 4 : 1 Live Fire
G1 127 : 250 Recharge
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 33 Streets
Spacestation Gaming 3 : 0 Empyrean
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 41 Solitude
Spacestation Gaming 200 : 53 Streets
G1 3 : 4 Recharge
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 47 Live Fire
G1 22 : 250 Solitude
Games to be Played
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming games that are still to be played in series
Map Type
Aquarius Assault
Forbidden Capture the Flag
Fortress Capture the Flag
Fortress Assault
Origin Slayer
Origin Capture the Flag
Game Variant Results
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming game variant results
Game Variant Wins % Wins %
Capture the Flag 0 0.0 3 100.0
King of the Hill 1 33.3 2 66.7
Oddball 0 0.0 3 100.0
Slayer 0 0.0 5 100.0
Strongholds 2 66.7 1 33.3
Map Results
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming map results
Map Wins % Wins %
Aquarius 0 0.0 2 100.0
Argyle 0 0.0 1 100.0
Empyrean 0 0.0 1 100.0
Live Fire 0 0.0 4 100.0
Recharge 2 50.0 2 50.0
Solitude 1 33.3 2 66.7
Streets 0 0.0 2 100.0
Previous Series
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming previous series
Type Date Winner Score
04/10/2023 Spacestation Gaming 2 : 15 Stats
20/09/2023 Spacestation Gaming 4 : 13 Stats
02/09/2023 Spacestation Gaming 0 : 3 Stats
3 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 1)
Power Weapon Stats
Excludes Aquarius stats as there are no power weapons
Gamertag PW Kills Kills %
Bound 11 260 4%
Pznguin 16 245 7%
StelluR 10 290 3%
The Eco Smith 7 252 3%
Boam JC 2 246 1%
Huss 2 227 1%
Preecisionn 7 236 3%
Swish 5s 8 202 4%
Spacestation Gaming 44 1047 4%
G1 19 911 2%
Winner Score PW Score Map Type Most PW Kills Won
G1 22 : 250 1 : 1 Solitude Equal
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 47 1 : 0 Live Fire Yes
G1 3 : 4 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 200 : 53 5 : 3 Streets Yes
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 41 3 : 3 Solitude Equal
Spacestation Gaming 3 : 0 12 : 5 Empyrean Yes
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 33 4 : 1 Streets Yes
G1 127 : 250 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 4 : 1 1 : 1 Live Fire Equal
Spacestation Gaming 2 : 0 7 : 4 Argyle Yes
Spacestation Gaming 121 : 67 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 250 : 125 3 : 0 Live Fire Yes
Spacestation Gaming 2 : 1 4 : 0 Solitude Yes
Spacestation Gaming 50 : 41 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Spacestation Gaming 185 : 177 3 : 1 Live Fire Yes
Oddball Stats
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming oddball stats

Gamertag Points Controls Skull Grabs Carrier Killed Kills as Carrier Time as Carrier (Sec) Longest Time. (Sec)
W Bound 140 0 4 1 0 157 43
W Pznguin 171 0 4 0 0 188 47
W StelluR 89 0 2 2 0 95 40
W The Eco Smith 106 0 2 2 0 119 34
L Boam JC 104 0 1 1 0 118 28
L Huss 111 0 2 2 0 122 40
L Preecisionn 47 0 3 3 0 55 26
L Swish 5s 35 0 1 0 0 37 23
Capture the Flag Stats
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming CTF stats

Gamertag Caps Grabs Steals Secures Returns Cap Assists Time as Carrier (Sec) Carrier Kills Returner Kills Kills As Carrier Kills As Returner
W Bound 2 36 7 8 1 1 32 2 0 0 1
W Pznguin 2 25 2 9 2 0 8 1 0 0 0
W StelluR 1 7 4 3 0 0 12 0 2 0 0
W The Eco Smith 5 60 9 15 2 0 52 1 0 0 0
L Boam JC 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
L Huss 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0
L Preecisionn 0 11 3 5 2 0 11 2 0 0 0
L Swish 5s 0 9 3 6 1 0 5 0 0 0 0
King of the Hill Stats
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming KotH stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
W Bound 0 0 4 4 233
W Pznguin 0 0 2 11 135
W StelluR 0 0 6 7 207
W The Eco Smith 0 0 3 8 36
L Boam JC 0 0 4 10 98
L Huss 0 0 4 3 159
L Preecisionn 0 0 11 7 210
L Swish 5s 0 0 4 4 81
Strongholds Stats
G1 vs Spacestation Gaming Strongholds stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
W Bound 9 4 3 8 53
W Pznguin 12 4 9 6 57
W StelluR 12 2 3 9 137
W The Eco Smith 5 4 7 7 99
L Boam JC 9 8 13 1 120
L Huss 15 7 8 6 93
L Preecisionn 9 10 7 7 79
L Swish 5s 7 4 3 1 94
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