Team VUELTA vs Impact Team Series Stats

Team VUELTA Roster Click to view players on roster




Impact Team

Impact Team Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W Impact Team 513 273 386 148,287 130,529 1.33 2.04 14,709 7,660 52.2
L Team VUELTA 386 203 513 128,917 149,587 0.75 1.15 12,801 6,966 54.4
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W MQSE 135 62 97 37,289 32,347 1.39 2.03 3,408 1,920 56.34
W Phluxs 124 74 94 38,409 33,409 1.32 2.11 3,999 2,016 50.41
W Respct 109 70 103 34,103 33,455 1.06 1.74 3,562 1,781 50.00
W Sxptiq 145 67 92 38,486 31,318 1.58 2.30 3,740 1,943 51.95
L DeZireTB 112 57 114 34,870 35,082 0.98 1.48 3,499 1,925 55.02
L ShabbyIDagger 87 50 143 31,659 38,792 0.61 0.96 3,110 1,637 52.64
L Valkyrie HCS 92 53 132 31,082 39,296 0.70 1.10 3,132 1,673 53.42
L W0FFS 95 43 124 31,306 36,417 0.77 1.11 3,060 1,731 56.57
Gamertag Dealt Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
W MQSE 37,289 32,347 1.15 +4,942 384.42 333.47 2,485.93 189.28
W Phluxs 38,409 33,409 1.15 +5,000 408.61 355.41 2,560.60 193.98
W Respct 34,103 33,455 1.02 +648 331.10 324.81 2,273.53 190.52
W Sxptiq 38,486 31,318 1.23 +7,168 418.33 340.41 2,565.73 181.54
L DeZireTB 34,870 35,082 0.99 -212 305.88 307.74 2,324.67 206.33
L ShabbyIDagger 31,659 38,792 0.82 -7,133 221.39 271.27 2,110.60 231.09
L Valkyrie HCS 31,082 39,296 0.79 -8,214 235.47 297.70 2,072.13 214.36
L W0FFS 31,306 36,417 0.86 -5,111 252.47 293.69 2,087.07 226.86
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
W MQSE 0 0 40 29.63 0 0.00 0 0.00 95 70.37
W Phluxs 0 0 26 20.97 0 0.00 0 0.00 98 79.03
W Respct 0 0 26 23.85 0 0.00 0 0.00 83 76.15
W Sxptiq 0 0 34 23.45 0 0.00 0 0.00 111 76.55
L DeZireTB 0 0 37 33.04 0 0.00 0 0.00 75 66.96
L ShabbyIDagger 0 0 25 28.74 0 0.00 0 0.00 62 71.26
L Valkyrie HCS 0 0 29 31.52 0 0.00 0 0.00 63 68.48
L W0FFS 0 0 15 15.79 0 0.00 0 0.00 80 84.21
Games Played
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team games played
Winner Score Map Type
Impact Team 3 : 0 Argyle
Impact Team 250 : 95 Recharge
Team VUELTA 2 : 3 Solitude
Impact Team 50 : 43 Streets
Impact Team 3 : 1 Empyrean
Impact Team 4 : 1 Live Fire
Impact Team 250 : 86 Solitude
Impact Team 166 : 33 Recharge
Impact Team 3 : 0 Aquarius
Games to be Played
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team games that are still to be played in series
Map Type
Aquarius Slayer
Aquarius Assault
Forbidden Capture the Flag
Fortress Capture the Flag
Fortress Assault
Live Fire Slayer
Live Fire Oddball
Live Fire Strongholds
Origin Slayer
Origin Capture the Flag
Recharge Slayer
Recharge King of the Hill
Solitude Slayer
Streets Oddball
Game Variant Results
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team game variant results
Game Variant Wins % Wins %
Capture the Flag 0 0.0 3 100.0
King of the Hill 1 50.0 1 50.0
Oddball 0 0.0 1 100.0
Slayer 0 0.0 1 100.0
Strongholds 0 0.0 2 100.0
Map Results
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team map results
Map Wins % Wins %
Aquarius 0 0.0 1 100.0
Argyle 0 0.0 1 100.0
Empyrean 0 0.0 1 100.0
Live Fire 0 0.0 1 100.0
Recharge 0 0.0 2 100.0
Solitude 1 50.0 1 50.0
Streets 0 0.0 1 100.0
Previous Series
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team previous series
Type Date Winner Score
0 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 1)
Power Weapon Stats
Excludes Aquarius stats as there are no power weapons
Gamertag PW Kills Kills %
MQSE 5 112 4%
Phluxs 6 107 6%
Respct 2 89 2%
Sxptiq 11 119 9%
DeZireTB 1 92 1%
ShabbyIDagger 4 72 6%
Valkyrie HCS 3 74 4%
W0FFS 3 78 4%
Impact Team 24 427 6%
Team VUELTA 11 316 3%
Winner Score PW Score Map Type Most PW Kills Won
Impact Team 166 : 33 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Impact Team 250 : 86 5 : 0 Solitude Yes
Impact Team 4 : 1 3 : 0 Live Fire Yes
Impact Team 3 : 1 3 : 1 Empyrean Yes
Impact Team 50 : 43 4 : 1 Streets Yes
Team VUELTA 2 : 3 5 : 2 Solitude No
Impact Team 250 : 95 0 : 0 Recharge Equal
Impact Team 3 : 0 4 : 7 Argyle No
Oddball Stats
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team oddball stats

Gamertag Points Controls Skull Grabs Carrier Killed Kills as Carrier Time as Carrier (Sec) Longest Time. (Sec)
L DeZireTB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
L ShabbyIDagger 4 0 1 0 0 4 4
L Valkyrie HCS 27 0 1 1 0 31 9
L W0FFS 2 0 0 0 0 3 2
W MQSE 58 0 1 0 0 60 28
W Phluxs 7 0 2 0 0 12 6
W Respct 41 0 0 0 0 46 22
W Sxptiq 60 0 1 1 0 66 13
Capture the Flag Stats
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team CTF stats

Gamertag Caps Grabs Steals Secures Returns Cap Assists Time as Carrier (Sec) Carrier Kills Returner Kills Kills As Carrier Kills As Returner
L DeZireTB 0 7 3 2 1 0 4 0 0 0 0
L ShabbyIDagger 1 24 5 7 1 0 12 0 0 0 0
L Valkyrie HCS 0 15 2 4 0 0 12 0 0 0 1
L W0FFS 0 28 3 10 1 0 12 0 0 0 0
W MQSE 1 30 4 8 0 2 17 1 0 0 0
W Phluxs 4 39 3 14 3 1 13 0 1 0 0
W Respct 3 44 5 6 0 2 24 2 0 0 0
W Sxptiq 1 13 4 6 2 3 5 0 0 0 0
King of the Hill Stats
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team KotH stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
L DeZireTB 0 0 1 6 11
L ShabbyIDagger 0 0 5 2 95
L Valkyrie HCS 0 0 0 2 39
L W0FFS 0 0 4 0 79
W MQSE 0 0 3 3 102
W Phluxs 0 0 7 2 155
W Respct 0 0 1 1 74
W Sxptiq 0 0 1 1 32
Strongholds Stats
Team VUELTA vs Impact Team Strongholds stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
L DeZireTB 5 1 2 2 36
L ShabbyIDagger 11 2 2 3 53
L Valkyrie HCS 11 2 3 2 43
L W0FFS 11 1 3 4 28
W MQSE 12 4 6 3 89
W Phluxs 8 3 4 2 56
W Respct 11 1 3 3 47
W Sxptiq 9 3 6 4 95
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