Vibe vs XMEN Series Stats

Vibe Roster Click to view players on roster





League Group
XMEN Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W Vibe 208 141 206 26,968 0 1.01 1.69 4,494 2,065 45.9
L XMEN 212 127 208 27,429 0 1.02 1.63 4,026 1,922 48.0
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
W interRiotz 48 33 47 5,692 0 1.02 1.72 1,044 447 42.82
W Lunny 45 36 55 6,089 0 0.82 1.47 1,028 467 45.43
W SoSnakey 61 36 55 8,493 0 1.11 1.76 1,164 574 49.31
W Sxptiq 54 36 49 6,694 0 1.10 1.84 1,258 577 45.87
L infused Chalkie 40 34 55 6,114 0 0.73 1.35 916 428 46.72
L Jimbo 64 27 57 6,972 0 1.12 1.60 981 457 46.59
L ramircz 45 30 53 6,424 0 0.85 1.42 1,178 518 43.97
L SNlPEDRONE 63 36 43 7,919 0 1.47 2.30 951 519 54.57
Gamertag Dealt Wea. DmgP.W DmgMel. DmgGer. Dmg Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
W interRiotz 6,304 5,692.02 546.73 612.44 0.00 0 Infinity +6,304 134.14 0.00 191.04 77.83
W Lunny 6,646 6,089.14 189.90 556.44 0.00 0 Infinity +6,646 120.83 0.00 201.38 82.04
W SoSnakey 8,659 8,492.77 823.63 166.10 0.00 0 Infinity +8,659 157.43 0.00 262.39 89.27
W Sxptiq 7,422 6,694.11 0.00 728.01 0.00 0 Infinity +7,422 151.47 0.00 224.91 82.47
L infused Chalkie 6,323 6,114.34 332.54 208.20 0.00 0 Infinity +6,323 114.96 0.00 191.59 85.44
L Jimbo 7,567 6,971.53 1,235.85 595.67 0.00 0 Infinity +7,567 132.76 0.00 229.31 83.16
L ramircz 7,153 6,423.70 285.36 729.63 0.00 0 Infinity +7,153 134.97 0.00 216.77 95.38
L SNlPEDRONE 8,211 7,919.19 1,232.96 292.20 0.00 0 Infinity +8,211 190.96 0.00 248.83 82.94
Gamertag Total Control Stronghold Captured Stronghold Defense Stronghold Secured Capture Assist Lockdown
interRiotz 5 5 2 4 2 0
Lunny 5 5 6 5 2 0
SoSnakey 5 3 7 4 2 0
Sxptiq 5 7 6 5 2 0
infused Chalkie 3 6 2 1 1 0
Jimbo 3 5 4 2 2 0
ramircz 3 6 5 5 4 0
SNlPEDRONE 3 8 5 5 2 1
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
W interRiotz 0 0 33 68.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 31.25
W Lunny 0 0 23 51.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 22 48.89
W SoSnakey 0 0 29 47.54 0 0.00 0 0.00 32 52.46
W Sxptiq 0 0 20 37.04 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 62.96
L infused Chalkie 0 0 14 35.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 26 65.00
L Jimbo 0 0 35 54.69 0 0.00 0 0.00 29 45.31
L ramircz 0 0 28 62.22 0 0.00 0 0.00 17 37.78
L SNlPEDRONE 0 0 34 53.97 0 0.00 0 0.00 29 46.03
Games Played
Vibe vs XMEN games played
Winner Score Map Type
Vibe 100 : 2 Empire
XMEN 36 : 50 Eden
Vibe 3 : 0 Fathom
XMEN 35 : 100 Eden
Vibe 50 : 36 Regret
Game Variant Results
Vibe vs XMEN game variant results
Game Variant Wins % Wins %
Capture the Flag 1 100.0 0 0.0
Slayer 1 50.0 1 50.0
Strongholds 1 50.0 1 50.0
Map Results
Vibe vs XMEN map results
Map Wins % Wins %
Eden 0 0.0 2 100.0
Empire 1 100.0 0 0.0
Fathom 1 100.0 0 0.0
Regret 1 100.0 0 0.0
Head to Head
Vibe vs XMEN head to head stats
Search Clear
Gamertag Kills Kills Gamertag
SNlPEDRONE 22 9 SoSnakey
Sxptiq 20 11 ramircz
SoSnakey 20 19 Jimbo
SoSnakey 19 4 infused Chalkie
Jimbo 19 20 SoSnakey
Jimbo 17 11 Lunny
Jimbo 16 13 interRiotz
infused Chalkie 15 11 Lunny
SNlPEDRONE 15 10 Sxptiq
interRiotz 14 10 infused Chalkie
32 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 4)
Previous Series
Vibe vs XMEN previous series
Type Date Winner Score
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Capture the Flag Stats
Vibe vs XMEN CTF stats

Gamertag Caps Grabs Steals Secures Returns Cap Assists Time as Carrier (Sec) Carrier Kills Returner Kills Kills As Carrier Kills As Returner
Strongholds Stats
Vibe vs XMEN Strongholds stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
Weapon Stats
Vibe vs XMEN weapon stats
Search Clear
Gamertag Weapon Poss. Time Kills Dmg Fired Landed Acc. HS
SoSnakey Magnum 00:15:12 34 5,391.86 556 289 51.98 28
SNlPEDRONE Magnum 00:12:14 31 4,334.81 394 242 61.42 22
infused Chalkie Magnum 00:15:30 27 4,294.44 441 235 53.29 23
Jimbo Magnum 00:11:47 23 3,318.64 332 171 51.51 22
Sxptiq Magnum 00:12:58 21 3,176.09 375 169 45.07 18
Lunny Magnum 00:13:38 19 3,483.13 393 189 48.09 17
ramircz Magnum 00:15:48 19 3,589.78 402 195 48.51 13
Sxptiq Battle Rifle 00:06:30 18 2,434.38 537 272 50.65 16
interRiotz Magnum 00:15:55 16 2,899.11 374 166 44.39 10
Lunny Assault Rifle 00:04:27 11 1,361.66 401 170 42.39 0
130 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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