OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs Series Stats

OpTic Gaming Roster Click to view players on roster


OpTic Gaming


Team EnVyUs

League Group
Team EnVyUs Roster Click to view players on roster
Team Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
L OpTic Gaming 108 79 145 15,870 0 0.74 1.29 2,800 1,280 45.7
W Team EnVyUs 145 103 108 16,870 0 1.34 2.30 3,020 1,352 44.6
Gamertag Kills Assists Deaths Dmg Dmg Taken K/D KA/D Fired Landed Accuracy
L ElamACE 29 16 35 3,638 0 0.83 1.29 725 290 40.00
L OpTic CaiNaM 18 16 31 3,153 0 0.58 1.10 492 229 46.54
L Str8 SicK CS 25 22 38 4,202 0 0.66 1.24 768 369 48.05
L The NG aPG 36 25 41 4,877 0 0.88 1.49 815 392 48.10
W eL ToWn 32 23 24 3,138 0 1.33 2.29 662 272 41.09
W Mikwen 32 40 29 4,999 0 1.10 2.48 829 384 46.32
W Ola Kedavra 48 17 28 4,822 0 1.71 2.32 821 373 45.43
W Rayne 1g 33 23 27 3,911 0 1.22 2.07 708 323 45.62
Gamertag Dealt Wea. DmgP.W DmgMel. DmgGer. Dmg Taken Dealt/Taken +/- Dmg/D Taken/D Dmg/Min Dmg/KA
L ElamACE 4,027 3,638.03 0.19 388.95 0.00 0 Infinity +4,027 115.06 0.00 201.35 89.49
L OpTic CaiNaM 3,401 3,153.12 115.00 247.50 0.00 0 Infinity +3,401 109.70 0.00 170.03 100.02
L Str8 SicK CS 4,795 4,201.90 122.45 592.72 0.00 0 Infinity +4,795 126.17 0.00 239.73 102.01
L The NG aPG 5,441 4,876.94 82.00 563.63 0.00 0 Infinity +5,441 132.70 0.00 272.03 89.19
W eL ToWn 3,497 3,137.80 374.96 358.90 0.00 0 Infinity +3,497 145.70 0.00 174.84 63.58
W Mikwen 5,399 4,998.65 745.68 399.99 0.00 0 Infinity +5,399 186.16 0.00 269.93 74.98
W Ola Kedavra 5,080 4,821.73 653.98 258.31 0.00 0 Infinity +5,080 181.43 0.00 254.00 78.15
W Rayne 1g 4,391 3,911.44 565.98 479.83 0.00 0 Infinity +4,391 162.64 0.00 219.56 78.42
Gamertag Total Control Stronghold Captured Stronghold Defense Stronghold Secured Capture Assist
ElamACE 1 3 2 1 0
OpTic CaiNaM 1 3 2 0 0
Str8 SicK CS 1 5 0 3 0
The NG aPG 1 5 5 0 1
eL ToWn 3 2 5 3 2
Mikwen 3 1 1 4 1
Ola Kedavra 3 6 1 2 0
Rayne 1g 3 6 3 3 0
Body Grenade Melee Headshots
Gamertag Avg Life Duration Callout Assists Max Spree Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage % Kills Coverage %
L ElamACE 0 0 20 68.97 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 31.03
L OpTic CaiNaM 0 0 11 61.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 38.89
L Str8 SicK CS 0 0 13 52.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 48.00
L The NG aPG 0 0 21 58.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 41.67
W eL ToWn 0 0 21 65.63 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 34.38
W Mikwen 0 0 21 65.63 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 34.38
W Ola Kedavra 0 0 28 58.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 41.67
W Rayne 1g 0 0 23 69.70 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 30.30
Games Played
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs games played
Winner Score Map Type
Team EnVyUs 0 : 3 Stasis
Team EnVyUs 36 : 50 Plaza
Team EnVyUs 32 : 100 Empire
Game Variant Results
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs game variant results
Game Variant Wins % Wins %
Capture the Flag 0 0.0 1 100.0
Slayer 0 0.0 1 100.0
Strongholds 0 0.0 1 100.0
Map Results
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs map results
Map Wins % Wins %
Empire 0 0.0 1 100.0
Plaza 0 0.0 1 100.0
Stasis 0 0.0 1 100.0
Head to Head
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs head to head stats
Search Clear
Gamertag Kills Kills Gamertag
Ola Kedavra 16 8 ElamACE
Rayne 1g 14 9 The NG aPG
Ola Kedavra 12 8 Str8 SicK CS
Mikwen 11 10 The NG aPG
ElamACE 11 5 Mikwen
Ola Kedavra 11 4 OpTic CaiNaM
The NG aPG 10 11 Mikwen
The NG aPG 9 7 eL ToWn
Ola Kedavra 9 8 The NG aPG
The NG aPG 9 14 Rayne 1g
32 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 4)
Previous Series
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs previous series
Type Date Winner Score
01/07/2016 Team EnVyUs 3 : 1 Stats
1 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 1)
Capture the Flag Stats
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs CTF stats

Gamertag Caps Grabs Steals Secures Returns Cap Assists Time as Carrier (Sec) Carrier Kills Returner Kills Kills As Carrier Kills As Returner
Strongholds Stats
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs Strongholds stats

Gamertag Captures Secured Defensive Kills Offensive Kills Occupation Time (Sec)
Weapon Stats
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs weapon stats
Search Clear
Gamertag Weapon Poss. Time Kills Dmg Fired Landed Acc. HS
The NG aPG Magnum 00:09:19 16 3,278.69 339 186 54.87 15
Ola Kedavra Magnum 00:07:45 12 1,987.57 206 113 54.85 11
Str8 SicK CS Magnum 00:07:42 11 2,246.78 233 121 51.93 11
Rayne 1g Assault Rifle 00:03:41 11 969.63 351 128 36.47 0
Rayne 1g Magnum 00:08:03 11 1,681.06 164 95 57.93 7
ElamACE Magnum 00:07:45 11 2,028.93 264 113 42.8 8
eL ToWn Magnum 00:08:48 8 1,456.91 169 81 47.93 6
Mikwen Magnum 00:06:43 8 1,916.05 221 108 48.87 7
ElamACE Assault Rifle 00:03:11 8 873.19 294 109 37.07 0
OpTic CaiNaM Magnum 00:06:59 7 1,736.24 201 106 52.74 5
105 Result(s) found (Page 1 of 11)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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