Halo Infinite Service Record Core Stats and Medal Comparison

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Standard Subscription
Unlock 4 Player Comparison
Time Played 89d 16h 39m
Total Games 13,035
Wins 7,740
Loses 5,133
Ties 158
Win Rate 59%
Score 125,183
58.15 per hour
9.60 per game
Personal Score 33,282,850
15461.31 per hour
2553.34 per game
Core Stats
Kills 253,609
Assists 104,963
Deaths 187,679
Damage Dealt
Damage Taken
Kill Stats
Grenade Kills
Headshot Kills
Melee Kills
Power Weapons Kills
Assist Stats
Emp Assists
Driver Assists
Callout Assists
Bomb Stats
Bomb Carriers Killed
Bomb Defusals
Bomb Defusers Killed
Bomb Detonations
Bomb Pick Ups
Bomb Plants
Bomb Returns
Kills As Bomb Carrier
Time As Bomb Carrier
CTF Stats
Flag Capture Assists
Flag Captures
Flag Carriers Killed
Flag Grabs
Flag Returners Killed
Flag Returns
Flag Secures
Flag Steals
Kills As Flag Carrier
Kills As Flag Returner
Time As Flag Carrier
Elimination Stats
Allies Revived
Elimination Assists
Enemy Revives Denied
Kills As Last Player Standing
Last Players Standing Killed
Rounds Survived
Times Revived By Ally
Extraction Stats
Extraction Conversions Completed
Extraction Conversions Denied
Extraction Initiations Completed
Extraction Initiations Denied
Successful Extractions
Infection Stats
Spartans Infected
Spartans Infected As Alpha
Last Spartans Standing Infected
Infected Killed
Alphas Killed
Kills As Last Spartan Standing
Rounds Survived As Spartan
Rounds As Last Spartan Standing
Rounds Survived As Last Spartan Standing
Rounds As Alpha
Rounds Finished As Infected
Time As Last Spartan Standing
Oddball Stats
Kills As Skull Carrier
Skull Carriers Killed
Skull Grabs
Skull Scoring Ticks
Time As Skull Carrier
Longest Time As Skull Carrier
Stockpile Stats
Kills As Power Seed Carrier
Power Seed Carriers Killed
Power Seeds Deposited
Power Seeds Stolen
Time As Power Seed Carrier
Time As Power Seed Driver
Zone Stats
Zone Captures
Zone Defensive Kills
Zone Offensive Kills
Zone Scoring Ticks
Zone Secures
Total Zone Occupation Time

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