RyaNoob Nerds Halo Infinite Stats Progression


RyaNoob Nerds

Claim Gamertag

Ranked CSR

Progress over the past 91 games

Damage Dealt/Taken vs K/D

Over the past 100 games

K/D Per Map and Game Variant

Over the past 100 games

Kills, Deaths and Assists

Over the past 100 games

Map Win Rate

Over the past 100 games

Game Variant Win Rate

Over the past 100 games

Map Game Variant Win Rate

Over the past 100 games

Playlist Win Rate %

Over the past 100 games

Playlist Coverage

Time spent in each playlist over the past 100 games

Shots Fired vs Accuracy

Over the past 100 games

Medals Earned

Per classification over the past 100 games
Halo Data Hive - 2025
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